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The KTC works closely with the – established in 2007 and delivering leading-edge research in the field of entrepreneurship and start-up businesses, and . 

Each year, working with Early Career Researchers (ECRs), the KTC manages the University’s entry to the national which helps develop business awareness and entrepreneurship skills in our postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers.The YES competition trains ECRs to prepare a business plan for a hypothetical company. As well as developing enterprise skills, YES encourages creative thinking to produce innovative solutions to major industrial challenges, teaches how to communicate research with impact, enhances work-ready CVs, and allows commercial / professional networks to blossom. 

The 快播视频 is delighted to have a cohort of Entrepreneurs in Residence, of which some are funded by the prestigious , sharing their expert knowledge and experience with academics, early-career researchers and students to help them build the entrepreneurial skills and thinking required in the commercialisation of their research.